Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hello, readers.

Here is something interesting, Approaches to forming the first chapter of a novel.

The first chapter is the most important part of a novel. It holds the heavy responsibility of hooking readers so they will develop a appetite for the story. The following article addresses this topic and offers some suggestions.


4 Approaches for the First Chapter of Your Novel
BrianKlemsBrian A. Klems
Online Editor
The following piece is by Jeff Gerke, whose Instructor of the Month bundle is on sale right now for one low price. Read the article and then check it out. Here's Jeff's advice on the different approaches to writing your first chapter. 

How, strategically speaking, should you begin your novel? When a reader reads your first chapter, what should she find?

There are four primary approaches for beginning a successful novel. Probably more, including some highly experimental ones, but these are the classic main four. Run your story idea through the filter of each of these and see if one of them feels right for your book.  Read more... 

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